Sunday, August 16, 2009

Get Ready, get set....Go Go Go to Unemployment

It was 7:30 Monday morning and I pulled in to the drive of the Dept of Labor office holding my breath as I turned the corner toward the building execting to see tons of cars and a line. Well, much to my surprise, there were fewer than expected cars line outside. Hallalujah, the day was off to a good start!! As I started my way up to the big double doors that would open into my new reality, I saw a sign with hours posted that said they opened at 7:30am. Well, well, had I known that I would have been there at 7:15. My advice, call the office ahead of time to see what time they open or get there super early and be surprised just like me. Luckly there was no line inside or out so I walked right up to the counter. Again, my day was full of pleasantries - the gentleman who helped me was very nice and serviceable and greeted me with a smile. That always helps. One thing I can't stand is poor customer service. That's the last thing I needed especially walking into this new world of uncertainly I was about to embark upon.
I was given a piece of paper to fill out all the necessary information to get unemployment and asked to take a seat until my name was called. Make sure you take all paperwork from your employer with you. You will need it. Also take a blank check or your bank account information for direct deposit. Don't worry, you'll still get paid if you get it by mail, but this could take 5 - 10 days to get compared to 1 -2. Who has time for that.
As I'm waiting for my name to be called I'm formulating tons of questions in my head because once again...I'm clueless to this process. Not to worry though, my DOL office had an orientation which answered some of my questions, so hopefully your's will too. If not, ask for a handbook or check out the link on my blogspot; or my alltime fav, just Google it!!
At orientation they gave us the dates in which to "certify" This is basically the dates that you MUST call in to receive pay for that week. If you fail in this mission you could risk not getting paid. So add a reminder to your calendar, put a sticky on your forehead whatever you need to do to remember this time period. One thing I learned, and here's the bummer bad news part of this, is that the process to review and complete my file for eligibility is atleast 14 days. So basically, is that I have to watch my account stay absolutely completely stagnant or steadily deplete from paying bills for the next 2 weeks. Ugh... Atleast that's the process where I live. Hopefully yours is shorter but be sure and ask. This is money we're talking about - not to be played with.
After a 15 minute orientation, it was now time to fill out our applications online. Be very careful with the information you enter. Make sure you are truthful and accurate because you don't want to risk messing up your paycheck. This took me what seemed like an hour because I didn't want to mess up on my new ramen noodle and hotdog paycheck.
When I finished my application the lady who did the final review was not at her desk, so I went to the main desk and asked what to do next, and I was told to wait until she came out because my process was not complete until she did the final check. I'm sure someone made the mistake of leaving, but don't let that be you. If you need final clearance before leaving, be sure and get that. We don't need any more upsets in this juncture of our journey.
So at 9:30am (not bad huh), I was a free woman to begin campaigning towards getting a job.

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